Monday, November 29, 2010

Cell Phones

Now that that the hands free law is in full effect not much change has happened on the road. Everyday I drive, I see numerous amounts of people talking on their cell phones while at the wheel. If you can multitask, then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to use your cell phone while driving. It could be more dangerous trying to just get your bluetooth device to work while driving, then just talking on your phone. The law has made a positive impact bringing in more revenue for the state in tickets.
I disagree with Goodwin, a person can multitask driving and talking on the phone with no problems. If you can't multitask than don't talk and drive! Cell phones are evolving humans to adapt to a more demanding world. Vacations have vanished unless you travel outside of cell phone service. Where ever you are someone can get a hold of you with a click of a button. Email, voicemail and text messages are all common ways of receiving alerts. Even if the message is not urgent people will sill bother you whenever they feel like it. The world is getting more high tech, making everything more convenient and much easier to do. We use technology for virtually everything, from checking the news to social networking. I embrace technology seeing that it has made communication much simpler than in the past. I go on the internet regularly and think it has made a positive impact on society. Technology can bring families further apart however thanks to social networking websites. With websites like facebook, twitter and myspace people can stay in touch without every speaking to each other. With these new social networking websites everyone is a lot less personal leaving brief messages. A tweet once a month rather than a phone call can lead people even more out of touch. On the other side technology can help answer questions a lot faster. If you forgot where you placed your keys you can send a simple text message out. Within seconds you can get a response with a answer where you misplaced your keys. If we put community first we would put down our technology and meet in person. It is still important to have a physical relationship rather than just socialize over the internet with your family and friends.  Text messaging is very simple and thanks to my iphone texting is quite convenient. When texting you can get a quick answer rather than bugging someone with a phone call. Texting is the new instant messaging and with unlimited plans texters don't have to worry about a three hundred dollar phone bill. The age of cell phone users is getting younger by the year. Six year olds now have cell phones to keep the paranoid mom a little more at ease. With cell phone users varying at every age, it is apparent that technology is changing the way that the youth grow up. The age gap for what kids are being exposed to is getting younger and younger. If you want to get on the band wagon then you are going to need to join the technological advances the world is facing. I do think that cell phones are evolving people to stay less in touch with who they really are. There is less time available for personal reflections thanks to always being on the internet. Like we saw in the Amish community technology is not affecting their lifes. They are not going to interrupt a conversation at dinner to answer a phone call. The only phones in the villages are in the middle of the village making it inconvenient to receive phone calls. They don't have cars making it hard to leave their village keeping family close. They still have really important values that we lost with the rise in technology.

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