Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Tourist

Tourists are rather interesting on what activities they decide to partake in while on vacation. The stereotypical tourist is the one with the guide books out, not willing to take a chance at missing what the city has to offer. The increasing problem we suffer with modern day tourism is the rapid rate of globalization, cities are loosing their identities in order to keep up with the modern world. You can find a nike store in just about any country around the globe, walk into a Mcdonalds for a fattening meal, or get sucked into one of Disney's attractions globally. While these phenomenon's may be ruining the whole vacation idea, there is still a positive side for the tourist. Some places are not giving into globalization and stand proud for remaining unique. Whether, you go on a vacation for relaxation, sightseeing or just to get out of town your tour is up to you.

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